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Finger Sucking

Not just for Thumbs – stop finger sucking too!

Caitlin has been sucking her fingers since she was 4 months old. Now, approaching 9, Caitlin’s dentist had begun to warn her about the hazards of continuing to suck her digits and the effect that it might have on her teeth, which were in danger of growing out of shape. Despite nagging, bribing and cajoling over a 6-month period, Caitlin’s parents could not persuade her to stop sucking her fingers.

Frighteningly, even by the age of 3 or 4, many children who suck their thumb or finger will have developed a gap between their upper and lower teeth and their jaw development will have changed. Tongue muscles can also develop incorrectly, causing problems with speech, plus when adult teeth grow in, they can be misshapen and protruding.

Recommended by Dentists

because they are a kind solution to finger sucking and can prevent the need for expensive and painful intervention Buy Now

Happily, Caitlin’s mum, Laura, discovered Thumbsie® and their story changed. She explains

“Caitlin really liked the look of the finger guards and thought it was time that she stopped. She was very keen on reading about success stories (partly because she wanted to see how long it took as she wanted to beat it!). Just over 2 weeks later she no longer sucks her fingers to go to sleep, or when she is tired or watching TV. She even wanted to wear them to school as she thought they looked so great.

Caitlin thought that they were very comfy; she liked the choice of material and thought the superhero one was very cool and anything which involves unicorns is always a great choice. She didn’t mind wearing them to school at all and her friends thought they were colourful and fun. She said it’s been really easy to stop! And can’t believe she did in just over 2 weeks.”

Caitlin’s mum, Laura

Caitlin was awarded a free Thumbsie® Certificate at the end of her two short weeks, which marks and rewards her success and allows her to share it with her friends and family.

Caitlin’s mum concludes, “I hated seeing her with her fingers in her mouth all the time. I can’t actually believe she has really stopped as it’s been so quick and pain-free. I can’t believe how quickly your finger guards have worked. I just wanted to say a massive thank you! I’ve been recommending you to anyone I know who has a thumb or finger sucker!”

Award-Winning finger guards

Help your child to stop finger sucking with our fun fabric finger guards Buy Now

If you would like to help your child to give up sucking in a stress-free way, go to our finger guards page and choose a fun pattern, follow the measuring guide and start the easy journey to success. Swap the tears and anxiety for a comfy fabric finger guard and leave the battles behind….then tell us all about it, like Caitlin has!


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Finger Sucking

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Measure up for a Finger guard

Our finger guards are available in five sizes
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Based on 434 reviews
My daughter loves the gloves and they have really helped her cut down on her finger sucking habit. They are beautifully made. We had them shipped to Australia with no problems and turned up quickly. Nicole Williams Customer Reviews
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