Writing a positive book to accompany the Thumbsie® products seemed like the perfect, child-friendly addition to this gentle thumb sucking solution. We hope that a story will be a fun way that more children can learn that there is a solution to their thumb sucking problem, and feel encouraged to give up sucking as easily as Ted does in the book.
I wanted to create a positive story and in this one a worried child finds a solution to his problem and then wants to help other children in turn. With two children myself (one of whom sucked a blanket for a number of years) I was keen to write a gentle story which made a hero of the child who was at first, struggling with his own thumb sucking problem.
My children went to an amazing primary school where kindness and generosity were valued and celebrated, and children were very good to one another. It was important to me that Ted’s story reflected all these very positive and affirming values. The Thumbsie® solution is a positive one based on reward and celebration, so the story is one of encouragement and success.
Starting school is a big event in any child’s life and when they are additionally nervous because they fear being singled out by a teacher or other pupils, for a habit that is seen as childish, the feeling can be overwhelming. I wanted to encourage children and let them know that they can overcome thumb sucking gently and easily.
Ted is based on my godson (although I have to say, he did not suck his thumb!). He was a very cute looking young child and has a very nice gentle nature; he popped into my mind when I started thinking about the book, so Ted became the hero of the book. I hope he will enjoy being associated with a children’s book, even though he is a teenager now….. who still doesn’t suck his thumb.
Rachel’s godson Ted
I have been writing stories for over 20 years and have always dreamt of publishing a book. I write for the Thumbsie® websites, so the opportunity to write a book to help to promote this kind thumb sucking solution was one I was really excited by. A chance to combine my life long ambition and promote Thumbsie® in a fun way was a gift.
Jo (owner of Thumbsie®) and I have been friends for over 20 years, in fact I introduced her to her husband and I helped her to write her wedding speech, so I guess you can say we’ve been in partnership for a long time. Jo is godmother to my son, and we have watched all our children grow together over the years. Even though we live a good distance from each other, we have a firm friendship which is based on laughter. She is a great business woman, and it’s a real privilege to be involved in her dream which she is turning into a brilliant success.
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