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Success Stories

“I stopped sucking my thumb!” – Lewis’s success story

Here’s a lovely success story about a little boy named Lewis who stopped sucking with the help of a Thumbsie® thumb guard. His dad, David tells us his story.

Lewis mainly sucked his thumb at night to go to sleep, he always woke up in the morning with his thumb in his mouth. We had tried the nasty tasting nail polish, but he told us after a week he just washed it off!

When I found your Thumbsies and suggested trying them Lewis agreed straight away. He chose the camouflage ones, and he couldn’t wait to wear them. When they arrived they fitted perfectly and he wore them straight away.

Camouflage thumb guards

We have wide range of fabrics to suit all tastes Buy Now

The first night he wore the Thumbsies he didn’t suck his thumb at all and woke up without his thumb in his mouth. Day 2 and 3 were just the same. He used them continuously for three weeks and then we tried a nights sleep without them. We couldn’t believe it but he didn’t suck his thumb and when he woke it wasn’t in his mouth. He has now not sucked his thumb for a whole month. He says his thumb doesn’t taste nice now.

So thank you for a brilliant product. It worked perfectly and if it saved major dentistry work later on then all the better.

Here is Lewis proudly showing off his certificate. When we asked Lewis what he thought of his Thumbsies he described them as “COOL”.

Thank you, David

Thanks so much to David and Lewis for sharing their story. It’s an absolute pleasure to send Lewis his personalised success certificate, don’t forget to write and tell us about your child’s success, we would be delighted to publish your story. Its such great news that Lewis has stopped sucking his thumb with the help of Thumbsie®.


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