Here’s a great review from a mum who both Thumbsie® thumb guards, our book – Thumbs Up For Ted’s Thumbsie and a reward chart pack.
“I would highly recommend Thumbsie’s for anyone trying to stop their child from sucking their thumb, we are so pleased with the results we have had….Polly is nearly 4 years old and has been sucking her thumb since she was about 10 weeks old. She started wearing her Thumbsie thumb guard at the beginning of March and she kept it on most of the time, even when playing, at nursery, and at night time. We let Polly choose her Thumbsie’s and obviously she chose the bunny print ones. Gradually over the past few weeks Polly has gone from wearing a Thumbsie almost 24/7 to just at night time to now hardly at all and that is only when she recognises she needs it and she will ask for it – for example if she is upset or super tired. We are so impressed especially with night times as this was when Polly tended to suck her thumb the most. The Thumbs Up for Ted’s Thumbsie book really helped so we would highly recommend that and found using the sticker chart worked really well too. Our aim was to stop Polly sucking her thumb before she starts school in September and going by how well she has done so far, hopefully by then she won’t need it at all!
Thank you so much Thumbsie!”
Donna, mum of Polly age 4
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