“The whole thumb sucking thing has been a major battle for many years in our house…..”
Sound familiar? Take heart and find out how this amazing brother and sister managed to stop sucking at the same time….and in only 3 weeks.
Thomas (11) and Emily (8) have sucked their thumbs since they were babies, Thomas since birth.
After much persuasion and using ‘that horrible nail polish’ as Thomas’ mum Louise, describes it, Thomas stopped sucking his thumb at the age of 4 when he went to school…..but it didn’t last long and it was back to double trouble.
The family went on for many years trying to get the children to stop sucking their thumbs, but without success. Their dentist always commented on the damage they were doing to their teeth, which spurred Louise on to try to get her children to stop sucking, but she couldn’t find a permanent solution.
Louise continues their story, “The real turning point came 6 months ago. Thomas had belonged to our local Scout pack since he was 5 and always loved going on camps but suddenly at age 11 he didn’t want to sleep over any more…he was now embarrassed that the others would make fun of his thumb sucking. I knew we had to put a stop to the thumb sucking permanently.”
“Once again we tried the nail polish and plasters but both children hated that. In desperation, I typed ‘How to stop thumb sucking’into the internet and found the Thumbsie® website. I was definitely skeptical that the thumb guards would work.”
Louise showed Thomas and Emily the website; Emily loved all the different fabrics and found it hard to choose which one she wanted. In the end she plumped for unicorns, whereas Thomas just wanted something that wouldn’t stand out, so chose camouflage.
The thumb guards arrived really quickly, and soon giving up sucking became a bit of a sibling competition. After only 2 weeks Emily had stopped sucking day and night and Thomas had stopped during the day. It only took Thomas another week to stop needing them at night – quite extraordinary after 11 years of sucking!
Louise concludes, “I’m absolutely thrilled that both kids have stopped and they are both really proud of themselves. I’ve already recommended you to a friend who has a thumb sucker.”
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